Deploying a reverse proxy to PostHog Cloud

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A reverse proxy allows you to send events to PostHog Cloud using your own domain.

This means that events are sent from your own domain and are less likely to be intercepted by tracking blockers. You'll be able to capture more usage data without having to self-host PostHog.

Setting up a reverse proxy means setting up a service to redirect requests from a subdomain you choose (like to PostHog. It is best practice to use a subdomain that does not include posthog, analytics, tracking, or other similar words.

Note: PostHog Cloud requires that the proxy sets the Host header to for requests sent to and for requests sent to Check the guides below on how to do that for several proxies.

You then use this subdomain as your instance host in the initialization of PostHog instead of or

Make sure to pass the proper ui_host parameter when initializing our browser integration, so that links to the PostHog interface point to the correct host.

Deploying a reverse proxy

Options for deploying a reverse proxy include:


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